Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Paris Hilton takes the media for a ride

Paris Hilton takes the media for a ride

John Turley-Ewart

George Clooney doesn't like her. Neither does Val Kilmer. Hollywood's stars seem to be tiring of the Hilton princess and all the press she is attracting.

Paris has even inspired a fine music video calling on their heiress to just go away.

But Paris isn't going anywhere anytime soon because she pushes the media's schadenfreude buttons so well that it's hard to look away.

Take the new spin on her bizarre stint in jail so wonderfully publicized by that star of serious journalism, Babwa Walters.

In a cell phone interview filled with torrents of emotion, the 26-year-old Hilton declared that the world would soon see a new Paris Hilton, one that was inspired by God to change, one who will be a proper role model for young girls, one who will work with sick children, one who is concerned about over-crowding in American prisons!

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