Saturday, April 28, 2007

Mac OS Cracked in Hack Attack

Mac OS Cracked in Hack Attack

Two security researchers at Canada's CanSecWest conference won big for being the first to hack into a Macintosh computer during a contest at the event. Initial interest in the contest was relatively lackluster, but then Tipping Point, a security vendor, upped the ante with a $10,000 bonus to the first person who could successfully hack one of the Macs using a previously unknown bug.

Just one day following Apple's (Nasdaq: AAPL) Latest News about Apple release of a security Barracuda Spam Firewall Free Eval Unit - Click Here update containing 25 patches, two security researchers at the CanSecWest conference held in Vancouver, British Columbia, were able to hack into a MacBook using a zero-day exploit in Apple's Safari browser.

Shane Macauley, a software engineer, and Dino Dai Zovi, a security researcher, undertook the challenge as part of the "PWN to Own" Hack-a-Mac contest hosted by conference organizers.

The two were awarded a MacBook Pro computer and a US$10,000 prize.

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